Friday, May 28, 2010


It's Fleet Week in New York. This means there are lots of sailors in uniforms walking the streets, riding the train, and generally being un-nautical. I feel like the sailor suit is the gay equivalent of girls dressing up in slutty schoolgirl uniforms - unintentionally (?) lewd. I feel like I'm in that Cher video when I'm around them. I do however, want a picture of myself being hoisted up by six of them down near the docks.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Monty...

What follows is a list of jobs I or my friends have held (or currently hold) in Montreal:

- Working in a clothing store for a women who sold stolen merchandise and drank beer on the job (that I had to buy for her)
- Editing a culture magazine owned by Hell's Angels
- PA to a 'producer' who named his 'company' after a famous beer and shot movies while wearing rollerblades. They worked out of dude's house (duh) and eventually ran out of money
- Admin assistant to obstinate and somewhat frightening Europeans who smoked wherever they wanted (despite being asked never to smoke inside) and may not have actually been able to write
- Telephone relay for deaf people. Actually a good service, but had to relay messages like 'U R a fag' on the night shift
- Subtitling movies and TV shows (kind of a sweet gig)
- Writing about the trotter races (we got to go to the Hippodrome and bet!)
- Vice intern (multiple friends have done this one. One friend got so drunk on the job he couldn't stand. Nobody noticed.)
- Server in a Hasidic restaurant where some customers wouldn't look at you and would mutter their orders unintelligibly. Sometimes a 13-year-old girl customer would scream at you

But still, we love you Montreal!
